Friday, September 22, 2006

So get a load of this!

I went to sleep last night at a really nice time. Midnight. I got nice and tired while hanging out with my roomie, Daniel, watching Law & Order (Uncle Mark didn't do it, it was the captain of the lacrosse team!) and eating egg whites, and I decided to excuse myself to my precious little bedness. I laid down, I closed my eyes, I was asleep within moments. Bliss. Plus, I have this adorable black cat, whom I've mentioned, who's happy to sleep with his mommy. Bliss.

I was resting so nicely, so enjoying my nutritious sleep, that when I opened my eyes at 7am, I literally thought that the universe had accidentally inserted another hour of time into the day. Of course, this was a half-awake/half-asleep theory, but I fully believed it in every respect. I thought, Daniel's gonna be so surprised! I wonder what everyone thinks of this! I thought, how can they do this! Just give us another hour? Did I miss the end of daylight savings time or something? Did we set the clocks forward and I just forgot? No, that's in October. We just got another hour! Oh, universe, THANK you. So thoughtful.

I woke up this morning fully believing that god or love or humanity or infinity had added another hour into Time. And it was pretty frickin cool. Oh, Time, you rascal.

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