Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Here we go, 08.

So I'm back in the real world. Back from the land of engagement parties and weddings and food-as-gifts and christmas and new years and one year anniversary with boyfriend. And they ALL involved food.

There were some areas in which I did a tremendous job. I exercised preemptively and avoided certain foods and overeating at certain times. But there were certainly areas in which I strayed and I'mn up anywhere from 2-4 pounds to prove it.

I was seriously up against a lot of food obstacles.

So, it is with resolve that I've decided to begin 2008 with a little bit of structure. I spent the $65 and joined WW online for 3 months. I think it's a good investment. It's actually a huge relief not to be tracking my food intake by hand. I'm on a computer a bunch during a day, so I can certain keep track of things this way. Plus, there's something really agonizing about going over points when you have to enter it into the WW website, as opposed to writing it in your own personal food journal. I joined yesterday and I'm feeling good about it.

I still ate pretty freely yesterday. It was my and Kevin's one year anniversary. So I felt justified in enjoying myself.

I also bought a scale two days ago. I think it will be nice to have that accountability around the house too. I really would like to lose about 27 pounds, if I'm being honest. So I'm gonna reset my mind to the task.

Getting back on track these past two days, which is really how long I've been trying to set my mind to it since I returned from Foodland, has been relatively difficult. Today I returned to work, which usually brings some structure, but I went home for lunch where Kevin surprised me with a slice of pizza and some chicken. And I've been nibbling on nuts and chocolate at work! Gaaah.

I also won't have a chance to workout today.

I will reign in the eating for the rest of today, it will be a scratch and a claw to do it, but I will. And I'll workout tomorrow in hopes to counteracting some of this.

I feel good about my decisions to get some structure back in my life in terms of weight loss, if losing weight is what I want. Now I just have to abide by those structures, which is always a ramping-up process. Day 2. I think I'll be having sushi for dinner.

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