Tuesday, January 22, 2008

this is good

Weigh-in day! So I lost 2.8 pounds this past week, for a total loss of 5 pounds since I started this true recommitment on January 1. I'm pretty pleased about this. Granted, I gained a bit last week, but who cares when it just comes right off the following week.

I ended the week eating 15 more flex points than we're allowed. This is progress. The first week back on this program (doing the online thang) I ate 23 more than we're allowed. The second week, 19 more. And this past week, 15 more. That means I've improved each and every week. I haven't improved by leaps and bounds, but considering that I've been relatively unable to eat less than 40 flex points MORE than we're supposed to (for a total of 75 flex each week!) for the last several months, this is huge. I knew I just needed the structure of the online thing to kick me into gear. If I had the time and logistical headspace to go back to meetings, I probably would, but it's just not something I can feasibly take on right now. There's not enough hours in the day. But I still feel like I'm part of a larger community when I'm using the WW online system and I think that's really helpful to me. Buying the scale to keep at home is helpful too. Funny how sometimes in life one thing works for you and sometimes the exact opposite works. (There was a time when having a home scale was NOT a good idea for me.) I also like having the stuff all written down on the computer rather than by hand. I don't cheat as often, weirdly. Maybe the honeymoon will end with this novelty soon, but who cares. It's working for now.

I'm finally feeling better, after almost two weeks of feeling under the weather. This is some welcome relief. When we got back from Charleston, I felt like a new person. I'd forgotten what it was like to live in this city as a healthy human being - I was sick for so long and then I was out of town for 5 days. When we got home, I realized that I hadn't actually felt like myself as a New Yorker in weeks. It was so nice to be out in the city, not feeling nauseous as hell, wanting to do stuff and see people instead of go straight home and loll around in misery. I really want to keep up my health now. I hated being sick. And I was a big baby about it. But I'm seriously never ever sick. I haven't had an illness like that since maybe the 8th grade? No kidding. My body did not appreciate it. I'm going to focus on eating fruits and veggies and taking vitamins to avoid it happening again.

Now that I'm well again, my appetite has returned. Naturally. Welcome back, appetite. I did not miss you. But also my desire to workout has returned. I'm sad to say that I haven't formally exercised in two weeks. I was coming down with a sickness, experiencing the sickness, or getting over a sickness for most of those two weeks so it's forgivable, but it doesn't feel good to ol' hips, ass, and thighs. I'm eager to get back to the gym. I hope I have the energy for a good workout tonight. I think my body is going to be shocked that it's moving at a speed above 1 mile an hour.

I'm pretty pleased that I've been able to lose these 5 pounds by just changing my food consumption. I have exercised very very little since January 1. Probably a total of 4 days. But I have eaten less food and made good choices and worked on portion control and quitting eating when I'm full. That's a biggie. So I'm excited to see what happens when I add exercise back into the mix.

Goals this week:
4 workouts
continue to lower flex points consumption
more fruits and veggies

Things are right on track. I'm thrilled to have lost 5 pounds in less than a month. Only 22 more to go!

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