Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I worked out today for the first time in two weeks. That's an incredibly long stretch of time for me not to exercise, but due to illness and laziness, it wasn't happening. Today's workout was brief - 30 mins on the 'mill - but it felt good and it was all the time I had. I sincerely want to regain some footing in terms of regular exercise. It's so difficult with my very hectic schedule to find the time and the energy, but there was a time in my life where 5 days a week at the gym was the norm. I must have done nothing else but go to work and ride the subway to have had the time for that, but I know it used to happen one way or another. I'm not going to reach for that sort of improvement, not just yet, but I know I can get there 4 days a week. Maybe it could mean getting up early some days? Naaaah. Let's not jump to conclusions...

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