Sunday, January 13, 2008


I have the flu. Truth be told, I've been feeling under the weather and not like myself since MONDAY. And today is Sunday.

Monday night I started to feel oddly nauseous. It was only for about an hour and it was accompanied by some exhaustion but I thought nothing of it, even though I'm not the type to ever get nauseous.

The next night I also felt weird and tired. Achy, crampy, nauseous. I actually stayed home from something because of it. But still thought it was no big deal. Wednesday night I did a show and felt awful during most of it - tired, sore tummy, just worn out. I opted to go straight home that night even though I had planned on and wanted to hang with friends for a bit. But I felt too blech. I kept getting nauseous, but only at night, weirdly. I even tried to avoid eating cheese all day one day (I eat a lot of dairy, I've realized) to see if it was some kind of allergy or something. Nope. That next night, like clockwork, I got sick and tired around 8pm. Except when I woke up the next morning, Friday, I felt sick in the morning too, so it had become an all day thing. I felt sick that whole day, into the evening - just nauseous, headache, back ache, exhausted. Kevin insisted I go to the doctor the next day (I don't have insurance until it kicks in on Feb 15 so we went to the urgent care place by my house). $75 later the doc said "I think it's the flu." I was like hmmm...i don't know...wait a minute...of course it is. I feel like crap. It's a virus so no meds can help. Just tylenol, rest, and fluids. Sigh.

I had to do a show and a rehearsal that night though, Saturday, which just about took it out of me completely. I went home and slept for 12 hours and woke up feeling the worst I've felt yet. Whole body ache, exhausted, hurts to move, sore neck, coughing, sore lungs. Blech. No temperature or puking, just general malaise big time. I'm supposed to go out of town on Wednesday night to do some shows in Charleston. I'm going to rest hard until then. I might skip work tomorrow. We'll see.

I haven't gotten to exercise at all during the second half of this week. I got in two mediocre workouts early in the week when I was feeling okay but I just haven't felt up to it. And now I definitely don't. That sucks.

Food has been okay though. I don't have much of an appetite.

Back to bed...

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