Monday, January 07, 2008

It's a fucking processssssss.

I didn't do a great job, this weekend, foodwise. I didn't do a terrible job either. I made a couple poor choices and I'm 20 points over my flex. This is STILL an improvement. And seeing it written on the website tracker all in red like it is makes me want to work that much harder not to do it again.

I ate some pizza late Saturday night. I'm not sure why I did it other than everyone else wanted it and then there it was, after being delivered, sitting in my kitchen, and everyone else was eating it, and it looked soooo fuckingggg goooood. So i had a piece and a half. Yup. Whatever. My weaknesses, I've realized, with this food stuff involve when "everyone else is." How are you supposed to sit around a table of your dear friends, who're all eating fries and nachos, and not have some?! Like, that's fine when you're just starting out losing weight, but you can't do that for your whole lifetime! All you can do it curb how MUCH of it you eat and what you eat the rest of the day to counteract it. But it's just inhumane to avoid all bad foods. I suppose that's the beauty of WW. So I don't feel like I've failed, but I do feel like this is a process and I need to train myself with some better skills for avoiding unnecessary overeating.

As my weigh-in is tomorrow morning, I will have only worked out two days this past week when all is said and done. That's not ideal either. But it gives me a good jumping off point for next week.

I have both food and exercise demons to battle this next week. This past week hasn't been a defeat or a victory, it's been a good learning experience. I made some good choices, some good changes, and there's plenty more to do. My goals for next week are: exercise 4 times and stay within 35 flex points. I didn't pay money for this damn WW online membership for nothing!

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