Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I have a hard time choosing salad dressing so this is progress.

With the help of my therapist and a couple good friends who are always willing to supportively nod while I drone on - I've decided to keep temping after this long-term assignment ends at the end of next week.

Now, despite the obvious points such as there's no health insurance in temping, and very little money, and quite literally no job stability, this isn't the poor decision it might look like on paper.

I'm not sure how to explain it as succinctly as I want to, especially for the critics (mom), but the bottom line is this: I'm doing what I love with the ol' sketch and the ol' improv. And there might actually be a time in the not-so-distant future when that becomes more lucrative than it's been. (And by "more lucrative" I mean "at all lucrative.") So if the possibility of getting paid to do what I love is actually on the horizon, who on EARTH am I to not chase after that with a little more pizazz. In this case, pizazz will take the form of nicer head shots, and continuing to temp because of the flexibility/low-commitment-level it provides, and looking to a freelancers' organization for some health insurance. There's more to it all, from a psychological perspective and from a personal-history perspective, but I won't go into that now. Basically, I've been doing this performance stuff just-for-fun for the last two years and maybe now I want to do it just-for-fun-and-cash. I mean, I went to school for it! So, c'mere little degree, let's play make believe.

Whatever. It made sense yesterday over burritos.

It's good news. :)

1 comment:

You've come a long way baby! said...

I have a little card taped to my desk that says:

Success is loving what you do - do what you love.

The only person you are responsible to is you. The only person you owe anything to is you. Do what makes you happy and you can never look back with regrets.