Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Day before the Day

Tomorrow is my 27th birthday.

I'm not in the mood to write the ol' Birthday Post. You know the one. Where I'm all reflective and thankful and make some goals for the year ahead or some bullshit. I'll do it soon enough, I suppose.

I'm sick with a cold that's hanging on like they do and it's making my head hurt today. I've decided to avoid any more advil cold and sinus today since it stands to reason that the bod could use a break from the constant medicating that's been happening lately. Zicam, Theraflu, Advil. zzzzzz.

I'm feeling a little odd about this birthday. It's the first time I feel old. I know I'm not old, I know, I know, all you 30 somethings get off my back about it. But I'm sure you remember 27 and I'm sure you remember that 27 felt particularly adult. Plus my grandpa wrote in my birthday card that my being 27 makes him feel old. Oh, Grandpa, I hear ya.

I'm worried about aging rapidly all of a sudden. I'm worried my face will turn into something less youthful and my bones will start to creak and ache. I'm worried about missing my youth. It makes me want to cry. I know they're all silly worries and they'll go away as quickly as they've come, but it's the first time I'm feeling some of this stuff, so let me live it. I suppose watching an Oprah on anti-aging last night didn't help. We live in a culture of television-that-produces-fear-which-inevitably-makes-some-white-dude-some-more-money.

Regardless, I think with my birthday might come a renewed desire to focus on health. Taking vitamins, eating leafy greens, avoiding toxic chemicals. Somehow the idea of ever bearing offspring seems instantly overwhelming.

Hm. How bout a nice solemn post to usher in the birthday. :)

I'm definitely going shopping on my lunch break today. I practice retail therapy MAYBE once a year, if that, and this might just be the day.

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