Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I am currently drafting an entry about how proud I am of some of the wonderful strides I've made recently. One of those is my new relationship to my money and how I'm finally clearing out (although they are small) debts from almost ten years ago! So in keeping with this, I just called a law firm, that seems to double as a collections agency, to pay off (in full, mind you) an old cell phone account that has been with them since I was 19 years old. What can I say, I racked up a $600 bill and couldn't pay it and then forgot about it and then looked at my credit report eight years later and...you get the idea.

Anyway, I have been making consistent monthly payments on this account for the last 6 months, but I'm now able to afford to pay the entire balance. So I called up and tried to do it. And the psychotic psycho beast on the other end of the line who seems to have decorated herself with some sort of odd status (?) because she works at a collection's agency (?) was extremely rude and oddly defensive to me (?!) while I was being perfectly nice and reasonable and telling her I wanted to pay the damn BALANCE IN FULL. Keep in mind, of course, that I have been in "good standing" with this stupid place for 6 months! So I was being nice, because you don't get anywhere in these situations by being unpleasant and I just want to pay the damn bill and be done with it. Yet she proceeded to be a psycho rude face to me, literally responding to me as though we were carrying on two different conversations and THEN she actually said, "You don't have to get rude with me!" when I was being perfectly normal and lovely, I assure you, because hello I can get ruuuude, trust me, and this was not even fucking CLOSE; I wasn't even in the same hemisphere as rude. So I took a breath and calmly, although in retrospect, unwisely said, "I'm sorry, but I have to tell you, woman to woman, that you have been rude to me since this call began." And she actually yelled, "OH NO. BUH BYE, BUH BYE, BUH BYE." and HUNG UP ON ME before I could pay anything.

WHAT?! Did I just fall off the normal truck into Insane Town Of My Worst Nightmares? And I still owe these fuckers money?!!!

Maybe she was offended because I said woman to woman? Maybe it was an insecure dude with a gentle voice?

I wanted to cut something.

So I told Daniel about the incident. Daniel's got a real problem with these sorts of little injustices the same way I do. (He's been drafting and redrafting a letter-in-his-mind to the MTA for almost ten years.) And I also told him about a day dream I had about finding out who she is and planning an elaborate homocide. And how in the day dream, I decided that someone I know would find me in the ally with the knife waiting to pounce on this bitch and they would selflessly shake me by the shoulders and yell "HOW DID IT GET THIS FAR?"

And Daniel wrote back: Well, I wouldn’t be that person. I’d be the person who kills that person and then turns to you, with my own knife, and says, “Let’s do it.”

I love Daniel.

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