Tuesday, April 08, 2008

As expected, the scale was up this morning, weigh-in morning, almost certainly due to the mexican fiesta I participated in on Sunday night. What can you do, right? I gained a pound this week. Who really cares, I know I'm making over all progress. I'll just keep telling you guys that so I can keep telling myself.

I didn't workout last night, I was too tired/recovering from my hangover. I went straight home after work (due to a cancelled rehearsal, which was lucky for me) and slept the night away. I woke up feeling pretty good this morning.

I've been snacky again today. I started out the day very well with some whole grain toast, a tiny bit of peanut butter, and a banana. I felt full. Then we got free lunch at work. I opted to order a chicken sandwich and fries. It sounds unhealthy, but I think I might have ended up eating even more points had I ordered either of the other two options (sushi or salads). I find that when I go for one of those options and I'm eating out I end up using 9-14 points ANYway. Silly. So I got the chicken burger and fries and only ate about 1/4 of the fries and considered that I was employing that "I Can Make You Thin" guy's method of eating what I want. I think his stuff makes sense. And I did enjoy the meal.

But then I wanted something sweet in the afternoon. And I had eight points worth of sweets. It wasn't intentional. I didn't realize how many points were in the chocolates I ate. :( But I didn't exactly double check before eating them either. That will forever be my downfall: I love sweet stuff and could eat a whole meal of it.

The reason I'm detailing all this a bit more than usual is because I'm trying to get to the bottom of what's causing my weekly over eating. This past week was another week of not-ideal eating and really great exercise. It's the best exercise I've had in months, in fact. So it's disheartening that I might have impeded that progress by overeating. (Birthday party. Like I said, I don't regret it. But still.) I'm hoping to pay a bit more attention to my habits each day so I can make some small changes that might pay off in the long run. I think the sweets is an important thing to note. Perhaps also it might be better if I could have some more protein at breakfast.

So I suppose something I should work on this week is decreasing the sweets and increasing the fruits and veggies and lean proteins. This is histortically difficult for me - especially if I'm operating in that "i deserve" mindset. I deserve sweets. Well, true. I do. But I also deserve to be healthy and well-fed from a nutritional standpoint. So I guess I'm going to have to start practicing some more fruit-intaking.

My plan for tomorrow is to have protein in the morning, a frozen meal at lunchtime, something small for dessert, a snack of nuts and fruit in the afternoon, and maybe sushi for dinner.

I've already gone over my points for the day today by 5. And I haven't even had dinner yet. My plan is to get something relatively light for dinner - hopefully 8points or less - and then exercise after my rehearsal, reducing some of the damage. Today is the first day of my new week and I really want to get off to a good start, but eating all your points plus five more before 7pm isn't a good start. I think I can clean it up, though, with a little mindfulness.

DAMN YOU SCALE. You get me every fucking time.


work in progress said...

so, i'm a new reader - came over by way of Jess @ Weight of my World. forgive the presumptuousness of commenting. but i find one downfall with the "eat what you want when you want" method is that while it does help you develop a healthier attitude towards food and avoid rebellious eating, guilt, etc., it doesn't do anything about the physiological effect of food. for me, for instance, refined carbs wreak havoc with my blood sugar. so i'll get in a situation where i want french fries, say, and if i got rid of the emotional issues around it and just had what i wanted, i'd have some and it would be fine. but i'd be more snacky later because the effect of the sugars on my blood sugar would happen regardless of my emotional state. so for me it's often a complex talking process with myself of "yes, it's totally fine to have those if you want and it's not a value-laden decision, but to be realistic you have to remember this is going to make it harder to make better choices later." sounds easier in theory then it is to make decisions based on it, but that might be one thing going on with your snackiness :)

Jen said...

Thanks for your comment, Work In Progress. I have to agree with you. It's funny that you commented this today, because just last night, I sort of had this dawning "realization" about that truth. I put that in quotes because of course I know it, but with counting calories and trying to still enjoy what I eat, it's easy to forget it, or set it on the back burner way too often.

Anyway, I think you're quite right. I'm going to go into my eating day today with that in mind and see if I can come out unscathed. Yesterday was a lesson in what not to do. I was reminded of that the hard way when I was starving at 11pm last night.

work in progress said...

i know, i have SUCH a hard time too. i have a few good days, my blood sugar is totally stabilized, and then i think "hey, i feel great, it will be totally fine to have white flour two meals in a row!" sometimes i remind myself of someone with a mental illness who feels crazy, takes meds, feels fine, stops taking meds, and starts the whole cycle all over again!

JessiferSeabs said...

Note: this is how I am with booze, sadly. I can have a ROCKING eating week - making such healthy choices, basically eating Core -- and then I'll have a couple of glasses of wine, and shit hits the fan. I'm only beginning to realize how much it impacts me! The next day, i am STARVING if I drink wine. So much sugar. So sad.

It also makes me realize how I got so damn fat in the first place, because i was basically a big lush for about 5 years...