Tuesday, January 16, 2007


So I'm feeling pretty fat today. I overate a ton this weekend. Sunday and Monday (holiday weekend) were both just wrought with excess eating of the easily avoidable variety. It was like I just didn't care. It's rare that you'll find a weight-loss related post on this here blog, but I feel it's due.

I weighed in at WW this past Friday, assuming I'd had one of the better weeks I've had in a while. I got in some good workouts, I'd eaten well, I was feeling thin. But when I weighed in, I had only lost .4 of a pound. Somehow this wasn't enough for me, even though as I see it written down now, I regret that I hadn't been thrilled with a "loss" at all. The point is, I must have felt like it was time to inflict a little damage, for whatever sad and pathetic self-sabotage-related reason, because I overate more than I have in months. It was pretty gross. I had three pieces of pizza at one point.

I took a lot of naps this weekend.

This is something that makes me feel awful about myself -- when I overeat to the point of gluttony. I'm feeling pretty awful about myself now. I want to erase it all from having happened. And mostly, I just want a whole week to go by wherein I eat really well all week long. That's particularly hard to do. Let's add to the fire that I've had to recently cancel my gym membership because of money constraints. I'm a worker-outter. I love it. And i need it in order to get the fats off me. I have my gym bag packed with me at work this evening. Apparently I think I'm just going to knock on gym doors until someone takes me in.

Alright, 2007. Not just yet with the eating. Let's lose some fucking weight, you JERK.

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