Wednesday, January 10, 2007

whatever. i only slept 4 hours last night.

Why do I feel blah today? Why, on earth, do I feel blah today? I've had so many good days in a row. That's probably it. Too many good days = here's a blah day. I wouldn't be me without those parts.
Names I wish were my name because 'Jen' isn't as charming as I would like:

Sarah (yup. you heard it here first. email me later.)
Mary (my middle name. a very very pretty name. Mary. Hi, I'm Mary.)
Annie (sometimes i hate this name. sometimes i love it. naaah, it's too cutsie, forget i said anything.)
Trisha (my cousin's name. and what Tim and Yang call me when we're at the Bar.)

I was in a pissish mood last night. I had improv class, during which I was hungry, pissy, and not talented. Then I went to Kevin's for a good reason that I'll tell you about later. When I got there, though, I was just a pisser. I wasn't being unpleasant, necessarily, but I wasn't being pleasant. I was just so tired. And hungry! So hungry! No matter what I ate! Still hungry! And that part sucked. And it was a damn shame because it would have been great if I had been in a better mood on this particular night. I kept trying to cheer up but I couldn't. He was trying hard to cheer me up which made it somehow worse for everyone. I'm sure it wasn't as bad as I thought but I feel crappy about the whole thing. I'm planning to move away to a cave. I have therapy tonight so it will be good to discuss some of these finer points.

Here's a thing: I've never understood love. Never. I had sex at a very early age and I think it tarnished my otherwise gentle disposition toward life.
Yes, Clayton, I heard you laugh at that.

What is there to anything, ya know? Like, why not just Be Happy all the time because someday, someday sooner than later apparently if last Saturday is any indication, this city is gonna fall into the ocean and I'm not lookin to move home to the burbs knowwanimean? I don't even know what i mean. Nevermind. I have no idea about anything. That's the truth.

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